Our Mission & Vision
Naija Kids Giving Back aims to cultivate a culture of giving in the young generation and end hunger, illiteracy and maltreatment among the less-privileged kids by providing support and care.
Our vision is to get registered and have a million members in 10,000 schools by 2025 which will enable us to create a better life for the young generation.
The major way to tackle a problem is to acknowledge it exists. Being aware of the fact that the society faces issues that negatively affect kids’ lifestyle has made it possible for Naija Kids Giving Back to come up with initiatives to impact the society. Two major ways the organisation promotes itself is through school involvement and social media.
Selflessness gives rise to charity, generosity. Naija Kids Giving Back ensures and motivates its members to have the ability to give up resources, time, money and energy to assist others
It is often said that it is easier to understand people when you feel them in yourself. Naija Kids Giving Back ensures that all its members have the ability to connect with children; they see as they see, hear as they hear and feel as they feel which will enable these kids to open up to them and receive the love and care that is being shown to them.
Education is a powerful tool that is used in reaching out to the society. Studies have shown that teaching assistant aids kids’ learning process. Naija Kids Giving Back aims to improve the learning process of kids by giving out books and other vital educational materials.
Working together is a Success.
We have leaders in each school who represent the common interest of the organisation and coordinate the activities in the schools. These leaders are called Ambassadors.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
*We organise meetings with the several ambassadors in each school.
*We raise money through donations and public awareness.
*We give out food, clothing, books and stationery materials to the less-privileged.
We live for everyone.
*Food Distribution Programme.
*Clothes Recovery and Distribution Programme.
*Books Recovery and Distribution Programme.
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Phasellus ornare sit amet sem vitae dapibus. Sed viverra ipsum nunc, nec tincidunt quam aliquet sit amet. Suspendisse vitae accumsan tellus. Etiam ac ornare mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse id erat eu metus egestas sollicitudin
Nunc laoreet elit vitae risus pulvinar, id tempus libero fringilla. Mauris congue velit at dui egestas, nec venenatis neque posuere. Mauris sollicitudin ultricies velit, aliquam vulputate magna posuere vitae. Mauris auctor quam sit amet lectus tincidunt, sodales malesuada arcu imperdiet.